Generally, liquid and / or sludge samples require some preparation prior to analysis. This may include serial dilution, filtration, separation, etc. While there is a wide range of testing that can be completed, we typically categorize the analysis based on the client request.
Some items can be completed in the field and many more can be done in our lab:
- Presence of Water
- Temperature
- pH
- Specific Gravity
- Total Alkalinity
- Conductivity
- Dissolved CO2
- Dissolved H2S
- Dissolved Sulfide
- Total Sulfide
- Dissolved Manganese
- Total Solids %
- Total Dissolved Solids
- Total Suspended Solids
- Total Hardness & Calcium Hardness
- Langelier Saturation Index
- Carbonate & Bicarbonate
- Salinity
- Moisture %
We use an iCAP 7400 Duo Analyzer installed by ThermoFisher Scientific for ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry). This has a wide range of applications and is used to determine the elemental breakdown of the sample with excellent detection limits. Items commonly requested:
- Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium
- Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium
- Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead
- Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum
- Nickel, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium
- Silicon, Silver, Sodium, Strontium
- Sulfur, Zinc, Zirconium
Ion Chromatography is done with Dionex Integrion HPIC Systems (ThermoFisher), with dedicated units set up specifically for Anions. Common examples include:
- Fluoride
- Bromide
- Chloride
- Nitrite
- Nitrate
- Sulfate
- Phosphate
Bacteria inoculation is completed using serial dilution kits for SRBs (Sulfate Reducing Bacteria) and APBs (Acid Producing Bacteria). Results typically take 4-5 weeks. IOB (Iron Oxidizing Bacteria) can also be completed upon request.
Hydrocarbons & Glycols Testing:
Organics Testing
- Gasoline Range Organics (C6 - C10)
- Diesel Range Organics (C10 - C28)
- Oil Range Organics (C20 - C40)
- Ethylene Glycol
- Propylene Glycol
- Tri-Ethylene Glycol
Roberts Corrosion Services, LLC
443 Ellenboro Road, Harrisville, WV 26362
Tailored to client's needs - learn how to safely operate, troubleshoot, repair, & maintain CP Rectifiers