- Corrosion Analysis
- C6+ Standard or C14 Extended
- Sulfur Compound Analysis
- Aromatic Hydrocarbons (BTEX)
Requires the use of specialized constant pressure piston sample bottles.
- Standard or Extended Analysis
- Sulfur Compound Analysis
- Particle Size Analysis
- Scanning Electron Microscope
- Elemental Identification - Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy
XRD - X-Ray Diffraction (Compound Identification)
XRF - X-Ray Fluorescence (Elemental Identification)
-General Chemistry Analysis
-Ion Chromatography
-Hydrocarbons / Glycols
Karl Fisher Titration (amount of water in sample)
Requires specialized preparation and may be processed as either a liquid or solid sample.
- Weight Loss Coupons
- Corrosion Rates / Pitting Rates
- Corrosion Type Analysis
Coupon Alloys:
- 1018 CS
-1010 CS
- 316 SS
- 304 SS
- 5LX42
* various sizes available
* various surface finishes available
We stock general materials like liquid sample bottles, testing equipment, corrosion coupons, sample collection kits & bacteria kits, etc. Clients are welcome to purchase items we have or request orders of specific items. Pricing is generally based on our cost to have the item here and can fluctuate depending on the season or availability of the item in our stock.
We are often asked to complete other analysis that are not listed on any rate sheet. This may include pipe sample analysis (cut outs), soil samples, SEM photography, IC Programs, professional reviews and consultation of lab results, coating/paint analysis, etc. Costs for these items are specific to the project and typically require additional information to prepare a cost estimate.
Please contact us for more details.
We support an onsite data server that houses all of our analysis information. This server meets industry standard security requirements and is regularly backed up to offsite locations. Repeat customers are granted access to their specific data drive allowing real time access to view their results or review past results. Unless otherwise requested, clients have read/write access to their data drive.
We currently utilize an enterprise version of SynaMan (Synametrics File Manager) as software on our server to grant web based access to clients through https. This helps to alleviate any network security issues with connectivity on either side.
This is particularly well suited for clients who wish to keep databases or spreadsheets of results for historical trending. We can add the data to the databases or provide it in any format as requested. Clients can also upload their own historical data to be included.
There is no additional charge to our clients for server access.
Feel free to visit during normal business hours.
443 Ellenboro Road, Harrisville, WV 26362
Roberts Corrosion Services, LLC
443 Ellenboro Road, Harrisville, WV 26362
Tailored to client's needs - learn how to safely operate, troubleshoot, repair, & maintain CP Rectifiers