Currently our lab processes gas samples in several ‘runs’ that analyze 43 separate components. Our equipment is capable of more but is limited to the specific standard lab-grade gases we keep for calibrating the chromatographs. Additional components can be added upon request.
We are currently using TRACE 1310 Analyzers made by ThermoFisher for both our Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) samples. Each has multiple channels and utilize Flame Ionization (FID) to produce a detailed hydrocarbon chromatogram report. Atmospheric gases (N2, O2, CO2) are analyzed using a Thermal conductivity detector (TCD). Total Sulfur is analyzed using a Flame Photometric Detector (FPD) on a separate channel.
Unless otherwise requested, we use the following analytical methods and values:
All analysis includes the report, with the full analysis cost also including additional spreadsheets and formats for uploads into other systems. The raw data used to assemble the reports is also saved on the client’s data drive. This includes the actual chromatographs and each separate run.
Unless otherwise requested, we use 14.696 psia and 60.0 degF as our base pressure and temperature for calculations. Calculations that are provided by default for C6+, C14, and Full Analysis reports:
We currently have 300cc and 500cc gas sample bottles, 300cc high pressure (5000 psi) gas sample bottles, and 500cc constant pressure piston cylinders. All our bottles are Sulfinert treated to maintain sulfur levels throughout the process.
Roberts Corrosion Services, LLC
443 Ellenboro Road, Harrisville, WV 26362
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