Today, more than ever, the overall integrity of a Cathodic Protection (CP) System is crucial. CP Rectifiers are a key part of that System Integrity. Aging equipment, power surges, weather events, third-party interference, and other external events lead to CP Rectifier downtime. Technicians need to be able to respond and repair CP Rectifiers efficiently, effectively, and SAFELY.
For both new and experienced personnel, too often there has been a lack of adequate training, explanation, and understanding provided on CP Rectifiers. Differences in manufacturer’s styles and different physical layouts of units lead to further confusion. Clear explanation of the types of units and proper trouble-shooting techniques result in more efficient troubleshooting and repairs. Safety must always be emphasized.
A typical training course is 1-1/2 days long. The class covers Corrosion Fundamentals, Electrical Fundamentals, Proper Equipment, and Safety Practices. Different types of and applications for CP Rectifiers will be covered. Content is delivered in an easy-to-understand method with extensive class participation in both the 1st day discussion and the 2nd day hands-on practical application sections of the training.
With an emphasis on Safety, attendees will be able to efficiently and effectively operate, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain CP Rectifiers. The class will be tailored to address the specific needs and applications of the class attendees.
** Training Certificates with PDH provided **
Additional Topics can be:
· Rectifier Design/Sizing considerations
· CP Junction Box Design/considerations
· RMU Considerations
Contact C.M. Nelson today for more information or to schedule your training class:
C.M. Nelson
Technical Specialist
RCS staff routinely provide industry training at conferences, and we participate in many different groups that support our industry. We also host training courses at our main office and even help students prepare for other difficult training and certification classes.
Roberts Corrosion Services, LLC
443 Ellenboro Road, Harrisville, WV 26362
Tailored to client's needs - learn how to safely operate, troubleshoot, repair, & maintain CP Rectifiers