All solid samples need to be completely dry prior to analysis. Any time needed for the lab to prepare the sample is shown on the rate sheet, however, only the time the technician uses is billed. For example, if the sample is dried in an oven for 6 hours, the oven time is not billable.
We use a Phenom XL SEM, upgraded with SED (secondary electron detector) and EDS (energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy) manufactured by NanoScience Instruments. This allows samples of 100mm x 100mm to be viewed at 3 – 16x (Light) and 80 – 100,000x (Electron).
The EDS is an excellent tool to quickly identify and quantify individual elements within the solid sample. Specific areas can be targeted or larger areas can be mapped and color coded.
The SED collects low energy electrons from the top surface layer and reveals very detailed surface information. This is excellent for topography and morphology of corrosion coupons.
Most samples can be processed within an hour after they are prepared. The quick turnaround time and low cost makes EDS a viable alternative to X-Ray Diffraction. Keep in mind EDS provides the elemental breakdown, while XRD provides compounds.
Solid sample analysis includes the final report and pictures. Additional pictures and raw data information are also saved on the client’s data drive.
Roberts Corrosion Services, LLC
443 Ellenboro Road, Harrisville, WV 26362
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